Reviewer's Rating Ben & Imo Mel Cooper 12/03/2024At one level, the playwright Mark Ravenhill has created a theatrical equivalent of the film Biopic. One of the pleasures...
Reviewer's rating The Fair Maid of the West Mel Cooper 04/01/2024If you want a delightful, fast-paced, cleverly written play to see, I strongly recommend The Fair Maid of the West...
Reviewer's Rating The Whip Mel Cooper 26/02/2020My first impression of The Whip, newly commissioned from Juliet Gilkes Romero by the RSC, was that it was a...
Reviewer's rating The Boy in the Dress Mel Cooper 05/01/2020Based on a book by David Walliams, the new Christmas-treat musical created by the RSC has all the hallmarks of...
Reviewer's Rating A Museum in Baghdad Mel Cooper 19/11/2019The idea of A Museum in Baghdad is a strong one, and one that interests me a lot. The production...
Reviewer's Rating King John Mel Cooper 07/10/2019Let me start by saying that the new production of Shakespeare’s too-infrequently produced play, King John, is entertaining, moving, engaging,...
Reviewer's rating Measure for Measure Mel Cooper 14/07/2019Greg Doran has directed a clean and riveting production of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. It is a clear and easily...
Reviewer's Rating The Provoked Wife Mel Cooper 06/06/2019The Provoked Wife by John Vanbrugh is given a production that it truly deserves at the RSC, pivoting cleverly between...
Reviewer's Rating The Taming of the Shrew Mel Cooper 24/04/2019The new RSC production of The Taming of the Shrew is eminently worth seeing for all the right reasons and...
Reviewer's Rating Kunene and the King Mel Cooper 23/04/2019What a fine play is Kunene and the King! In certain moments while attending to it I worried fleetingly that...