Rock, Paper, Scissors

Reviewer's Rating

Not often would you expect to see a production about death and have it be so funny. However, “Rock, Paper, Scissors” was just that: hilarious; and the seventy minutes flew by.

Located in a small room on top of a pub, close to Islington station, lies The Hope Theatre. There are only two rows, creating a very intimate setting with a designated splash zone (thankfully not much splash). The audience is in Lucy (Emma Lo) and Dylan’s (Jimmy Roberts) living room, witnessing the characters making some morally questionable decisions under morally ambiguous circumstances. The game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ comes into play, adding to the insanity already afoot.

Director and Writer, Chess Hayden, has written a beautiful script, with dialogue tailored so well to the characters it allows their dynamic to shine. Jemma (Megan Cooper) is the perfect third addition to add to the chaos, bringing even more drama and comedy to the stage. The three actors have brilliant chemistry and do their characters and the script justice. Both Lucy and Dylan had an air of innocence that provoked slight sympathy – definitely well cast.

The play looks at how life can change so quickly, and how certain decisions can greatly affect the future. However, despite such philosophical questions and heavy themes like manslaughter, it remains playful and almost light-hearted in ways. Watching the characters struggle with the cards they are dealt – or have picked themselves – provides a farcical escape.

Overall, a wonderful play – underpinning it, a well written script that is given justice by the actors. The audience were laughing the entire time.

Writer/ Director: Chess Hayden

Producer: Chess Hayden

Set Design: Chess Hayden

Cast includes: Jimmy Roberts, Emma Lo, Megan Cooper

Venue: The Hope Theatre, Islington

Until 11th May 2024

Running time: 70 mins (no interval)

Review by Sofia Moran