Reviewer's Rating Three Sisters Leslie Gordon 15/02/2018Sarah Ruhl, the funny, sensitive somewhat absurdist playwright of our time, interpreting Anton Chekhov, the grandfather of it all– what...
Reviewer's Rating John Paul Meltzer 20/11/2017Annie Baker's John examines the costs of misjudging how long to stay in a relationship. Her patient eye with seemingly minor moments--the...
Reviewer's Rating so go the ghosts of mexico part two Paul Meltzer 12/09/2017This play is a tapestry of culture and menace that refuses to release you from its grip. Crime scene dead body outlines on the floor are integrated into a vibrant folkloric design...
Reviewer's Rating Galileo Leslie Gordon 15/02/2017Though set in the seventeenth century, Galileo feels unsettlingly relevant, just as Brecht would have wished....
Reviewer's Rating 10 Out Of 12 Paul Meltzer 18/11/2016hy do we love a backstage story so much? And this is the ultimate one, if you can even call...
Reviewer's Rating so go the ghosts of méxico, part one Paul Meltzer 23/09/2016hat was so…cultural, deadpans the white-jacketed American after a scene of violence and otherworldly closeness with departed spirits in Mexico,...
Reviewer's Rating Jonah Paul Meltzer 22/04/2016t’s almost worth going to Jonah just to see how Director Katherine Owens creates a world and keeps it spinning....
Reviewer's Rating Long Day’s Journey Into Night Paul Meltzer 23/02/2016here should be a medal for even trying to mount this theatrical Everest, running minimum three hours mostly among four...