

Thirteen bare-chested men with perfect physique stomp onto the stage pounding on drums slung around their shoulders. We know we are in for a night of passionate dance as these men clack their Cuban heels and toss their heads. The style of dance is a mixture of flamenco stomping (zapateados) and lightning footwork (cepillados). The pitch of the audience was one of expectation and we were not to be disappointed. As soon as the troupe enter the stage, we were spellbound.

The energy of the company is amazing. Every so often a single dancer, or a couple or trio would take over the stage for a dance-off allowing a breather for the rest of the group.  In one of these three performers played off against each other, one stomping, one drumming and the other swinging balls on string.  Mainly the whole ensemble was on stage, managing a hugely entertaining spectacle, a full on 90 minutes straight through sporting black jeans, leather shirts and studded belts.

After the invigorating foot stomping, a slower, softer bare-footed dance emerged. The troupe dressed in white linen fringed trousers took up a more feminine edge accompanied by finger-picking guitar. It was heartening to see four live musicians onstage. They were also outstanding, featuring a violin, a guitar, an accordion and drummer. Each got to rock up a solo.

A lone dancer came on without music, simply swinging brass balls on cords (boleadoras, used in hunting), cracking his heels as the balls tapped the floor. The swirling effect went faster and faster until he looked like he was playing with a Catherine Wheel. Eventually the whole troupe came on dancing while swinging brass balls all in perfect synchronicity, the performance was electric. At the end, the audience were on their feet cheering.

This Argentinian troupe was created by director and choreographer Matías Jaime following a traditional of Malambo, danced by Argentinian Gauchos or cowboys around campfires, passed down from generation to generation. Unsurprisingly, the group were semi-finalist in America’s Got Talent. Book it now before it is sold out. Don’t miss.