Reviewer's rating Diana: The Untold and Untrue Story Adi Ginat 18/11/2022Diana: The Untold and Untrue story is a comedy which combines multimedia and puppetry. The show also relies on audience...
Reviewer's rating Dmitry Adi Ginat 12/10/2022Friedrich von Schiller began but never finished writing his last historical play, Demetrius. He passed in 1805, at the age...
Reviewer's rating The Throne Adi Ginat 12/07/2022With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations just behind us, what better time to premiere a show about Her Majesty with...
REviewer's rating Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World Adi Ginat 25/06/2022Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is an upbeat educational new musical directed by Amy Hodge and based on...
0% Alexis Zegerman – a playwright in conversation with Adi Ginat Adi Ginat 09/05/2022Alexis Zegerman’s current play, Fever Syndrome, was staged at the Hampstead Theatre until April 2022. This is the second show...