Reviewer's Rating Wot? No Fish!! Richard McKee 13/08/2015here are not many theatrical productions that begin with the audience being invited to partake of gefilte fish, with a...
Reviewer's Rating Happy Birthday Without You Sophia Leuner 12/08/2015his one-woman show examines the problematic relationship between mother and daughter in an energetic, moving and witty way. Sonia Jalaly...
Reviewer's Rating Here Is The News From Over There Sophia Leuner 11/08/2015ere Is The News From Over There is an hour of unrehearsed (or loosely rehearsed) storytelling focused on everyday tales...
Reviewer's Rating My Children! My Africa! Sophie Nevrkla 11/08/2015t is a rare experience to leave the theatre feeling raw, real emotion; it is even rarer to have that...
Reviewer's Rating Hetty Feather Julie Skipworth 11/08/2015ery emotional said my young nephew between mouthfuls of chocolate ice-cream. He is right of course- Hetty Feather takes you...
Reviewer's Rating Grand Hotel Richard Voyce 10/08/2015he musical Grand Hotel which has just opened at The Southwark Playhouse to great, and fully deserved, acclaim didn’t have...
Reviewer's Rating Splendour Samantha Cheh 10/08/2015omen have almost always built their lives around the needs and wants of the men in their lives: housewives and...
Reviewer's Rating Miss-Leading Ladies Richard McKee 09/08/2015hat could be nicer than sitting at a table with a glass of wine and a bowl of nuts, and...
Reviewer's Rating F*cking Men Sophie Nevrkla 09/08/2015ucking Men originally appeared at The King’s Head Theatre in 2009, running for 9 months – an unusually long time...
Reviewer's Rating Dear Lupin Nicole Kent 08/08/2015ear Lupin’s stage adaptation of Roger Mortimer’s letters tells the story of a loving father and the struggles of coping...