Reviewer's Rating White Guy on the Bus Charles Bittner 17/03/2017Renowned playwright Graham’s “White Guy” perceptively explores racism...
Reviewer's Rating The Dressmaker’s Secret Charles Bittner 18/02/2017The Dressmaker’s Secret, which opened this week at 59E59 Theaters, is set in Romania in 1963. Like any notable
Reviewer's Rating God of Vengeance Charles Bittner 30/12/2016Sholem Asch’s God of Vengeance, written in 1906, opened this week at La MaMa Theater. The play explores...
Reviewer's Rating Attorney Street Charles Bittner 01/11/2016he theater is dark, pitch black in fact. Then, over the audio system, comes the gentle, soothing sound of an...
Reviewer's Rating The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Charles Bittner 24/10/2016t’s certainly au courant and hip to revere the work of Bertolt Brecht, and undoubtedly he’s worthy of this acclaim....
Reviewer's Rating Dead Shot Mary Charles Bittner 27/09/2016efore seeing Dead Shot Mary, I read about the achievements and exploits of Mary Shanley, the focus of the one-woman...
Reviewer's Rating The Black Crook Charles Bittner 20/09/2016he Black Crook figures prominently in theater history. First staged in September 1866, the year after the bloodiest conflict in...
Reviewer's Rating The Golden Bride (Di Goldene Kale) Charles Bittner 12/07/2016t’s easy to understand the popularity and appeal of The Golden Bride (Di Goldene Kale) when it first opened in...