The Bells Never Burned Brighter (Süßer die Glocken nie brennen) Becca Kaplan 20/12/2014xteriors can be rather deceiving with Showbühne Mainz. Entering an unassuming door and up a small staircase, one would think...
Anonymous P. Becca Kaplan 15/12/2014ess theater and more interactive phone-hacking PSA, Anonymous P. tries to teach you about the dangers that lurk in our...
Archimedes’ Principle Becca Kaplan 20/04/2014he media and its proliferation of stories of unspeakable horrors, missing children and an abundance of guns and death as...
Secret Cinema 21 Becca Kaplan 15/04/2014ecret Cinema, once again, has proven that you can live in the movies if you want to. Now, as due...
The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith Becca Kaplan 11/04/2014rimavera prides itself on rediscovering lost classics of the stage. However noble this venture might be for theatrical history, the...
Bitch Boxer Becca Kaplan 28/03/2014omen were allowed compete in boxing in the Olympics for the first time in 2012. Around the same time, writer,...
Major Tom Becca Kaplan 13/03/2014ny show that begins with walking in and petting a dog can only be a great time, right? Well that...
Each of us Becca Kaplan 05/03/2014n the definition of a hole in the wall theater (I think I spent more time trying to find the...
Secret Cinema: The Grand Budapest Hotel Becca Kaplan 28/02/2014f you are a movie nut, like myself, then no doubt you’ve shared a similar daydream: to enter into a...