Reviewer's Rating Macbeth Mirror Alina Bottez 14/08/2017For this performance, the Szekspirowski took yet another shape, as an amphitheatre, created for the audience in the space that is usually upstage and backstage
Reviewer's Rating Hamlet Alina Bottez 10/08/2017In Hamlet (Zagreb, Croatia), the protean quality of the Szekspirowski was visible again, as the beautiful leather chairs were stored away...
Reviewer's Rating Titus Andronicus 2.0 Alina Bottez 07/08/2017Titus Andronicus 2.0, an Italian box performance, was presented by the Shu-wing Tang Theatre Studio in Hong Kong
Reviewer's Rating Island (Wyspa) Alina Bottez 04/08/2017The twenty-first edition of the International Shakespeare Festival in Gdańsk is taking place this year between 28 July and 6 August.