Photo by Steven Restagno

The Little Death


The Little Death is a 70-minute live theater experience that spotlights Mina Orak (playing herself) and her ‘relentless pursuit of seeking pleasure’. Accompanied by her room-mate Justin Atkins (also playing himself), Cornelis Joubert who hilariously portrays the external embodiment of her vagina, and the joyful but under-used Jay Mankoo, the audience is taken on a whistle-stop tour of Mina’s sexual escapades, demons and truthful admissions through dramatic performance, abstract imagery, comedic melodrama, interpretive movement and cabaret. 

While The Little Death (by nature of its name) explores Mina’s quest for an orgasm (with a partner) at its core, themes of intimacy, self-acceptance, relationship dynamics and gender identity are also picked at. Thematically it’s a really interesting concept, but unfortunately the play is let down by a lack of coherence – sections do not flow, and certain elements feel so amateur that gradually the production’s credibility dwindles, and the climax struggles to pack the sophisticated punch it so clearly strives to. Touching on quite complex and nuanced themes in such a fleeting and random way, with the unsubtle keen-ness of art-school influence, leaves questions unanswered and a disappointing sense of ‘all style, no substance’.

Orak’s honest and forthright approach to biographical storytelling is to be admired and celebrated, and she is a real force to witness – charismatic, magnetic and compelling. Doubtless she has a bright future in performance ahead, one hopes she leaves some of the bells and whistles behind to focus on the infinite power of human expression and a refined script before weaving in experimental mediums. The ingredients are very much present for this to be a thought-provoking, inclusive, fun, nuanced & refreshingly honest portrayal of sexuality – and you can taste all of these during small moments throughout the play, but sadly the narrative and its desired impact is lost to the chaos of over-ambitious ground to cover. In saying that though, I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this talented cast of actors and writers. 

King’s Head Theatre

Writers: Mina Orak & Justin Atkins

Cast includes: Mina Orak, Justin Atkins, Cornelis Joubert, Jay Mankoo

Until 31st August 2024

70 minutes, no interval

Photo Credit: Steven Restagno