Reviewer's Rating Summer Shorts 2017 Austin Fimmano 09/08/2017Summer Shorts 2017 returns to New York for its eleventh season, bringing six new American plays in just the right portions for warm summer nights.
Reviewer's Rating Lost and Guided Colin Macdonald 09/08/2017How does one write a play about the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis that avoids exploiting an ongoing real-life tragedy ...
Reviewer's Rating Titus Andronicus 2.0 Alina Bottez 07/08/2017Titus Andronicus 2.0, an Italian box performance, was presented by the Shu-wing Tang Theatre Studio in Hong Kong
Reviewer's Rating Island (Wyspa) Alina Bottez 04/08/2017The twenty-first edition of the International Shakespeare Festival in Gdańsk is taking place this year between 28 July and 6 August.
Reviewer's Rating Three Sisters Gilad Gutman 01/08/2017The first thing you need to know about this production is that Chekhov's three young sisters are not played by three young actresses...
Reviewer's Rating Money Talks: The Musical Patricia Reed 30/07/2017Money Talks The Musical is an amusing, sometimes rambling performance about, well, money.
Reviewer's Rating Dear Jane Colin Macdonald 30/07/2017Several times during Joan Beber’s new play Dear Jane, we are told that conflict is essential to good drama:
Reviewer's Rating Eliyahu’s Daughters Ephy Brilliant 27/07/2017 This delightful play tells the story of a Jewish family in Baghdad on the backdrop of the pogrom of June 1941 and the subsequent uprooting
Reviewer's Rating Madama Butterfly Shmuel Ben-Tovim 25/07/2017The challenge of any production of Madama Butterfly is how to keep the tension of the audience during the ...
Reviewer's Rating Schreber (שרבר) Dor Gvirtsman 17/07/2017Fringe theatre is often touched by a sense of tantalizing danger. Audiences walk into the ancient Jaffa Theater to see lead actor Moti Rosenzweig being strapped...