Reviewer's Rating 4.48 Psychose Sandra Kammel 22/01/2020When entering the salon of the theatre, one can almost grasp the whirl of expectation about the upcoming premiere. In...
Reviewer's Rating Speakeasy Magick Austin Fimmano 21/01/2020Down one of the western-most avenues in Chelsea is a street with seemingly nothing special about it. But if you...
Reviewer's rating Boom Becca Kaplan 20/01/2020There are certain shows which issue a clear generational divide, and what a more apt show to do so, than...
Reviewer's rating How to Load a Musket Ann Pryor 18/01/2020Following the participants of American Civil War battle recreations, How to Load a Musket begins as a funny, fascinating view...
Reviewer's rating Spring Awakening (Frühlings Erwachen) אביב מתעורר Yael Shuv 17/01/2020Frank Wedekind’s bitter play about the sexual awakening of 14 years old kids in puritanical Germany was written in 1891...
Under the Radar The Public Theater’s Under the Radar Festival Austin Fimmano 17/01/2020The Public Theater has long since established its reputation as a haven for up-and-coming artists and theatrical productions, from their...
Reviewer's rating Maz and Bricks Elizabeth Bove 15/01/2020Maz and Bricks by the Irish playwright, Eva O’Connor at 59E59 is a love story. But not a typical love...
Reviewer's Rating BOOM Gillian Russo 15/01/2020“Ok boomers,” I have to hand it to you — the music you grew up with can’t be beat, no...
Reviewer's rating Nabucco Sandra Kammel 09/01/2020The tower of Zion is under attack. Death is only a heartbeat away if you are considered to deserve it. The...
Reviewer's rating Ishel and Romanzka “איש’ל ורומנצקה” Yael Shuv 02/01/2020Hanoch Levin, Israel’s most revered playwright, died 20 years ago. His demise did not affect his popularity and his plays...