Reviewer's Rating The Undertaking Austin Fimmano 24/01/2018In the beginning, all we know is the premise. A “playful and idiosyncratic take on the classical trip to the...
Reviewer's Rating A Christmas Carol Austin Fimmano 05/12/2017Origin’s A Christmas Carol is a tradition that one could easily slip into. When you first enter the old Chelsea townhouse, all your senses are...
Reviewer's Rating A Deal Ann Pryor 04/12/2017A Deal is a fast-paced drama that examines the swift transformation of the Chinese middle class, a painful, funny, moving look at...
Reviewer's Rating John Paul Meltzer 20/11/2017Annie Baker's John examines the costs of misjudging how long to stay in a relationship. Her patient eye with seemingly minor moments--the...
Reviewer's Rating The Bench, A Homeless Love Story Jim Pascale 13/11/2017The topic of homelessness and putting a human face and story to its community is something most people go out of their way to step over ...
Reviewer's Rating Romantic Trapezoid Paul Meltzer 07/11/2017The title "Romantic Trapezoid" suggests an interesting twist on the classic triangle. It isn't.
Reviewer's Rating Let Me Cook For You Nicole Cardoni 24/10/2017Who's story are you really telling? What rehearsed story do you recite when asked, "So, tell me something about yourself?"
Reviewer's Rating Kafka and Son Austin Fimmano 09/10/2017In a dark theater with rusty cages, a prison cot, melodramatic music, and black feathers strewn everywhere...
Reviewer's Rating I of the Storm Colin Macdonald 27/09/2017The “Everyman” at the center of RJ Bartholomew’s poetic monologue, or “solo riff,” I of the Storm, now playing at the Gym at Judson...
Reviewer's Rating The Merchant of Venice Austin Fimmano 27/09/2017If there’s ever a reason to get a Manhattanite out to New Jersey for the sake of theater, this play is that reason.