Reviewer's Rating Brief Chronicle Books 6-8 Gillian Russo 05/06/2019To answer what’s probably your first question: no, you don’t need to see Books 1-5 first. They don’t exist. Ghosts,...
Reviewer's Rating Madame Lynch Elizabeth Bove 04/06/2019It was a fruitless endeavor, I said to myself after witnessing the Drunkard’s Wife’s production of Madame Lynch at The...
Between the Seas: Mediterranean Performing Arts in NYC Dylan Hoffman 04/06/2019In 2010, the Greek economy imploded and the authoritarian permafrost covering much of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa thawed...
Reviewer's Rating Butterflies Gillian Russo 01/06/2019Mid-show, a woman tenderly sings “Fly Me to the Moon” to her newborn child as a lullaby, rocking him gently...
Reviewer's Rating Feral Dylan Hoffman 28/05/2019Feral opens with the tamest of images: a man walks on stage and, with a black sharpie, draws a stick...
Reviewer's Rating Posting Letters to the Moon Ann Pryor 26/05/2019If master documentarian Ken Burns were to fashion a look into British life during World War II, as told in...
Reviewer's Rating Breaking the Shakespeare Code Gillian Russo 26/05/2019Two players, both alike in stubborn pride, On fair Lafayette Street, where we lay our scene, Stir, through Shakespeare, emotions...
Reviewer's Rating Continuity Ben Odom 23/05/2019The question of global climate disaster is most comfortably viewed as a fiction; easy to digest, laugh at, sympathized with,...
Reviewer's Rating Shakesbeer: The Games We Play Dylan Hoffman 14/05/2019This iteration of “Shakesbeer,” titled “The Games We Play,” features four scenes, each in a different bar, and each turning...
Reviewer's Rating I Thought I Would Die But I Didn’t Gillian Russo 12/05/2019The whole thing is just off-kilter from the start, but that’s the point. There’s the stark white room where objects...