Reviewer's Rating Death of a Salesman Nicholas Potter 14/07/2017eath of a Salesman is one of Miller’s most popular plays. I’ve had the benefit of seeing it twice: the...
Reviewer's Rating Julius Caesar/Antony and Cleopatra Mel Cooper 10/07/2017saw the RSC productions of Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra back to back, matinee and evening, last week. I...
Reviewer's Rating Der Rosenkavalier Owen Davies 03/07/2017osenkavalier is a wonderful opera. It has some of the most superb music ever written for women’s voices and it...
Reviewer's Rating Tosca Owen Davies 01/07/2017range Park Opera has moved to Horsley in Surrey. A new opera house is being built in the grounds of...
Reviewer's Rating Stadium Harry Tennison 14/06/2017ollowing last June’s Brexit vote, political theatre has taken a trajectory towards telling the stories of ‘real people’. In the...
Reviewer's Rating Salome Mel Cooper 12/06/2017here was much publicity before the opening of this play about the fact that in this production of Wilde’s erotic...
Reviewer's Rating Joan Flora Wilson Brown 29/05/2017hen I first entered the Rep’s studio theatre for a performance of Milk Theatre’s ‘Joan’ I was struck by how...
Reviewer's Rating TANK Harry Tennison 24/05/2017reach Theatre’s Tank continues its tour of the UK, stopping in Birmingham. It blends a unique style of narration with...
Reviewer's Rating The Who’s Tommy Harry Tennison 19/05/2017ommy is the jukebox musical from The Who’s concept album of the same name. It started its life in 1993...
Reviewer's Rating My Country; a work in progress Flora Wilson Brown 17/05/2017y Country is a verbatim piece on the EU referendum, Carol Ann Duffy’s team took interviews with people the breadth...