Reviewer's Rating Manchester Collective: Sirocco Pauline Duverger 13/06/2018“It’s not a concert, it’s a chat!” proclaimed Abel Selaocoe during the performance that took place in Manchester on the...
Reviewer's Rating The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives Agnes Carrington-Windo 13/06/2018Set in present-day Nigeria, The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives is a vibrant and energetic exploration of gender politics...
Reviewer's Rating Portraits in Otherness Tim Hochstrasser 11/06/2018As a primarily non-verbal creative medium dance is always a challenge to the reviewer trying to find suitable words that...
Reviewer's Rating San Domino Kezia Niman 09/06/2018The time: 1939, the place: Mussolini’s Italy, the crime: homosexuality. A group of gay men from Catania are exiled to...
Reviewer's Rating Birdsong Max Haydon 08/06/2018Birdsong combines the heartache of love with the heartbreak of war. The play goes back and forth from the trenches...
Reviewer's Rating Rumpelstiltskin Mel Cooper 08/06/2018On one level, the Ballet Lorent has once again created an interesting dance event that tells a fairy tale for...
Reviewer's Rating Utility Sarah Gibbs 06/06/2018George Orwell begins his essay “My Country Right or Left” by stating, “Contrary to popular belief, the past was not...
Reviewer's Rating Cosi Fan Tutte Tim Hochstrasser 04/06/2018A really fine performance of this opera is very rare: often productions veer too much in the direction of cheap...
Reviewer's Rating Blueberry Toast Nicole Kent 04/06/2018Blueberry Toast is an absolutely brilliant play. It is a comical parody of the American dream and the perfect family...
Reviewer's Rating Fatherland Sarah Wisialowski 04/06/2018A refreshing new play, Fatherland explores difficult relationship issues between fathers and sons, doing so through the creative use of...