Lonely Circus – Fall/Fell/Fallen

Reviewer's Rating


Fall / Fell / Fallen is a devised work combining acrobatics and live electro-acoustic composition. It is a visual and sonic meditation on the theme of falling: falling planks of wood, falling water droplets and falling bodies – the process and its aftermath.

Its chief innovation is to have a soundscape that is in part responsive to and in part created by movement: from sound effects created using found objects, through to contact mics converting movement into music.Sebastien Le Guen and Jérôme Hoffman are both accomplished at their crafts, and create a piece that is alternately comic and impressive.

However Fall / Fell / Fallen feels like it lacks substance. I’m not talking about character or plot – more, a sense of a journey. Allowing that the failures and the frustrations are intentional – this show still need a stronger sense of development. As it is it feels like a series of audiovisual sketches.