Cool Rider Richard McKee 17/04/2014his reviewer is such a recent convert to the mobile telephone that he forgets to switch his off at the...
Relative Values Owen Davies 17/04/2014his Noel Coward comedy from 1951 is a deceptive creation. Its form is a familiar one, the country house comedy....
Women of Twilight Tom Aitken 17/04/2014irst, a word of warning. My three stars are awarded principally because of the social and historical interest of this...
Secret Cinema 21 Becca Kaplan 15/04/2014ecret Cinema, once again, has proven that you can live in the movies if you want to. Now, as due...
Lil Red Riding Hood and Wolf It Down Daniel Lombard 14/04/2014inda Kirby brings the drama, thrills and excitement of this much-loved children’s tale to life with an all-singing, all-dancing version...
A View From the Bridge Blair Bou-Chebl 13/04/2014he Young Vic, often described as London’s “sexiest theatre,” continues it’s season with a provocative piece of theatre that engulfs...
The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith Becca Kaplan 11/04/2014rimavera prides itself on rediscovering lost classics of the stage. However noble this venture might be for theatrical history, the...
Hidden Owen Davies 11/04/2014idden is a series of short monologues and dialogues with a great deal of humour but with a dark centre....
The Beautiful Game Tom Aitken 10/04/2014his show, set during the troubles in Belfast in 1969, ran for just over 11 months at The Cambridge Theatre...
Three Sisters Rowena Hawkins 10/04/2014nya Reiss’ new adaptation of Chekhov’s ‘Three Sisters’ translates the struggles of the Prozorov family, as they attempt to find...