The Velveteen Rabbit Katerina Yannouli 31/03/2014he Velveteen Rabbit was written by Margery Williams in 1922; it’s the touching story of a boy and his toy rabbit...
Hannah Rowena Hawkins 13/02/2014he 450th anniversary of Christopher Marlowe’s birth has already prompted one production of his most famous play, Doctor Faustus, in...
Cuckoo Rowena Hawkins 15/01/2014uckoo is the last thing you would expect to find at a children’s theatre: it’s unashamedly sweary, full of drugs and...
Henry the Fifth Caroline Perret and Lucien Asbury-Perret (15) 13/10/2013Henry the Fifth”, currently showing at the Unicorn, encompasses everything one would wish of a theatre production for children: full...