Can Theater Explore Sexual Assault? Israeli Artists Respond Bonnie Friedman 13/12/2017We are having a cultural moment, yes, about the pervasiveness of sexual assault, sparked by events in the US (Harvey...
Oxford Lieder Festival Mel Cooper 31/10/2017On Saturday, 28 October, in the visually and acoustically attractive setting of the Saint John the Evangelist Church in East...
Oxford Lieder Festival Opening Weekend Mel Cooper 18/10/2017Concerts and silent film Produced by the Oxford Lieder Festival Opening Night Concert Der Rosenkavalier silent film Louise Alder, Soprano;...
From Page To Stage Richard McKee 26/08/2017The Other Palace is a little less palatial than the one next door, namely Buckingham Palace. But it too is...
BE Festival – “Europe in the Midlands” Alexandra Portmann 17/07/2017From acrobatic feats to storytelling, from circus to puppetry and from mime to contemporary dance – a huge variety of...
Epidaurus Festival 2017: The Arrival of the Outsider Marianna Papaki 19/06/2017The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, this legendary monument of arts, well-known worldwide, is one of the theatre venues that every...
Athens Festival 2017 – A flourishing cultural celebration Marianna Papaki 05/06/2017The Greek Festival, a 62-years institution has hosted numerous major Greek and world-famous performing artists. The Greek Festival consists of...
High Noon: The Hollywood Blacklist and the Making of an American Classic Mel Cooper 25/04/2017This book is a fascinating companion to Victor Navasky’s Naming Names, which was a fairly comprehensive general history of that...
Stars of the Albion Festival Natalia Kolosova 26/02/2017The closing gala concert of the winners of the IVth International Performing Arts Festival and Contest Stars of the Albion,...
The Unusual and the Unexpected at Coil 2017 Austin Fimmano 28/01/2017Sometimes a night of theater means a seat in an audience, a stage, and a group of actors performing the...