Le nom sur le bout de la langue (The name on the tip of the tongue) Chloe Darnaud 09/10/2020From the moment Marion Lahmer enters the room from the back door and slowly walks through the stage, beautifully dressed...
Reviewer's rating Der Szturem. Cwiszyn / Burza. Pomiędzy(The Tempest. In Between) Marta Bryś 08/10/2020The Ester Rachel and Ida Kamińska Jewish Theatre in Warsaw remains, together with Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat (the State Jewish...
Reviewer's rating Les Amis de Paul (Paul’s Friends) Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 02/10/2020Les Amis de Paul is a play built around the theme of violence, and it is divided into two parts:...
Reviewer's rating Cabaret Louise Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 02/10/2020In these times of pandemic uncertainty, some small Parisian theatres stay open but have to welcome a very limited number...
Reviewer's rating Iphigénie Chloe Darnaud 02/10/2020During the COVID-19 lockdown, Stéphane Braunschweig was struck by the sight of the buzzing city of Paris going all of...
Reviewer's Rating Zero Cost House Ann Pryor 24/09/2020Japanese-born playwright Toshiki Okada is the playwright for this Zoom moment. His play Zero Cost House about examining your present...
Reviewer's Rating In These Uncertain Times Ann Pryor 29/07/2020In this new COVID world stripped of the joys of live theatre, what becomes of the medium and the players? ...
Reviewer's Rating And So We Come Forth Gillian Russo 04/07/2020“What can you say to these kids right now?” the teacher Barbara Apple (Maryann Plunkett) asks her family, grasping for...
Reviewer's Rating A Cocktail Party Social Experiment (w/ Distance) Becca Kaplan 21/06/2020Can a group of strangers cut through the small talk and shallow rejoinders and instead delve immediately and deeply into...
Reviewer's rating L’Elisir d’Amore Mel Cooper 08/06/2020I’ve just been watching the streaming of Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore from the Met and wish it was going to be...