Reviewer's Rating Auf ein Neues Becca Kaplan 21/01/2017The new year is the perfect time for new beginnings (or so expensive diet plans would have us believe….).
Reviewer's Rating ShakesBeer: NYC’s Original Shakespearean Pub Crawl Austin Fimmano 17/01/2017In Manhattan’s historic Stone Street District, Shakespeare is coming alive. And not just in the usual ways...
Reviewer's Rating Le Récital des Postures Chloe Darnaud 14/01/2017xploring the human body, Yasmine Hugonnet is alone on stage, no music, no décor, nothing. Her long dark hair hiding...
Reviewer's Rating Balletto di Milano: La Vie en Rose & Boléro Chloe Darnaud 14/01/2017man dancing around a microphone, two men joking around with hats, a woman graciously twirling in a silky dress, two...
Reviewer's Rating L’Avare Chloe Darnaud 10/01/2017n an attempt to make the play accessible, L’Avare fails miserably by excessively dumbing down the play. The original L’Avare...
Reviewer's Rating Le Petit-Maître Corrigé Chloe Darnaud 10/01/2017arivaux’s Le Petit-Maître corrigé, revived by Clément Hervieu-Léger, had only been played twice before at the Comédie-Française in 1734. Infuriating...
Reviewer's Rating Alcina Irina Antesberger [Age: 16] 04/01/2017he sorceress Alcina reigns over an enchanted island where she entices heroes to come as lovers but eventually converts them...
Reviewer's Rating The Adventures of Minami Paul Meltzer 03/01/2017The title notwithstanding, Minami can't really have adventures; she's an android with no knowable inner states. But for that
Reviewer's Rating Messa da Requiem Katherine Syer 01/01/2017ecent years have seen a growing number of oratorios, cantatas, and song cycles explored for their theatrical potential on stage,...
Reviewer's Rating Salome Paul Meltzer 30/12/2016Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts disgustingly. That seems to be the message behind Richard Strauss's opera.