Reviewer's Rating Midsummer Night’s Dream Shmuel Ben-Tovim 10/01/2018This review must begin with applause to people whose names do not appear in the list of credits below: the...
Reviewer's Rating The City ( העיר הזאת) Ido Garfinkel 27/12/2017"The City" is a modern Hebrew-language rap musical detective thriller, written by the local Jerusalem band "The Victor Jackson Show". Its is a masterpiece of hip-hop poetry slam...
Reviewer's Rating Three Tall Women Gilad Gutman 11/12/2017In our so-called progressive world, you might think there is no longer a place for such a character as the conservative old woman ...
Reviewer's Rating Napoleon – Dead or Alive Ido Garfinkel 11/12/2017Napoleon – Dead or Alive is a modern reproduction by the director Udi Ben Moshe of the well-known musical by Nisim Aloni...
Reviewer's Rating La Boheme Shmuel Ben-Tovim 27/11/2017While in most new opera productions I expect a new approach, a creative twist out of the traditional staging and setting...
Reviewer's Rating As You Like It (כטוב בעיניכם) Gilad Gutman 22/08/2017This production of Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It is a sensual experience of the heart and the mind.
Reviewer's Rating Scenes from a Marriage (תמונות מחיי נישואין) Dalit Gvirtsman 17/08/2017An adaptation of a classic film to a stage production is a challenge that Gilad Kimchi successfully confronts with brilliant performances ...
Reviewer's Rating Three Sisters Gilad Gutman 01/08/2017The first thing you need to know about this production is that Chekhov's three young sisters are not played by three young actresses...
Reviewer's Rating Eliyahu’s Daughters Ephy Brilliant 27/07/2017 This delightful play tells the story of a Jewish family in Baghdad on the backdrop of the pogrom of June 1941 and the subsequent uprooting
Reviewer's Rating Madama Butterfly Shmuel Ben-Tovim 25/07/2017The challenge of any production of Madama Butterfly is how to keep the tension of the audience during the ...