John Gabriel Borkman Plays to See 27/05/2015n the interpretation of Karin Henkel and designer Katrin Nottrodt, the realms of upstairs and downstairs, described by Ibsen as...
die unverheiratete (the unmarried) Plays to See 27/05/2015hree women, three generations, an unresolved past that stinks of betrayal and blind obedience: “the unmarried” connects April 1945 with...
Die Schutzbefohlenen (The Supplicants) Plays to See 27/05/2015n the end, after various attempts of representation by accomplished actors from the Thalia Theater’s company, finally the Lampedusa refugees...
Die Lächerliche Finsternis (The Ridiculous Darkness) Plays to See 27/05/2015n the theatre, sparks sometimes fly – but not often do they fly as literally and impressively as in this...
Das Fest (The Celebration) Plays to See 27/05/2015t is a very distinctive, crazy imagery that Christopher Rüping has created here, far removed from the severe and sterile...
Common Ground Plays to See 27/05/2015or her research project “Common Ground“, Yael Ronen once again works with her cast’s biographies. They are playing their own...
Baal Plays to See 27/05/2015n German theatre, Brecht’s early fantasy about a ruthless libertine who ignores both norms and Norns is usually translated into...
Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln (Atlas of Remote Islands) Plays to See 27/05/2015hat civilised man misses most on remote islands is music. So he concentrates on the natural rhythms and sounds: the...
Reviewer's Rating Carmen Alexandra Cooper 26/05/2015ne of the best loved and most played operas in the repertoire, there is an argument for taking new looks...
Reviewer's Rating Gods Are Fallen Luke Davies 25/05/2015ods Are Fallen is a play about a mother and daughter relationship. Something like Beckett’s Play, it explores the conceit...