Reviewer's rating On Bear Ridge Marine Furet 28/09/2019Welsh playwright Ed Thomas’s return to the stage fifteen years after his previous creation opens in memorably unceremonious fashion. In...
Reviewer's Rating The Escape Act: A Holocaust Memoir Owen Davies 27/09/2019Stav Meishar, who devised The Escape Act and performed it at Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, modestly describes the piece as...
Reviewer's Rating Zeus on the Loose Richard McKee 27/09/2019Zeus on the Loose is an anodyne, indeed innocent, card game for children. The same cannot be said for the...
Reviewer's rating The Exorcist Richard McKee 26/09/2019On a Saturday night early in 1974, your reviewer joined the queue snaking round the corner of the famous State...
Reviewer's Rating Two Trains Running Mel Cooper 26/09/2019I should begin by stating up front that I am a serious admirer and fan of the works of August...
Reviewer's rating Solaris Ben Reiss 26/09/2019Everyone will at some point feel the despair of being alone – loneliness is a truly universal emotion. It is...
Reviewer's rating Midlife Cowboy Richard Voyce 21/09/2019The comedian Tony Hawks always comes across as being a thoroughly nice man. Given that the great and the good...
Reviewer's Rating Don Giovanni Enza De Francisci 20/09/2019Don Juan is a well-known legend whose legacy has remained owing predominantly to all its many variations and adaptations. This...
Reviewer's rating Werther Rivka Jacobson 19/09/2019Can you imagine your novel being universally admired throughout Europe and wherever Western Culture prevailed as the most popular of...
Reviewer's Rating Macbeth Mel Cooper 19/09/2019I am a fan of Paul Hart’s work as a director and have previously enjoyed very much his approach to...