Urinetown The Musical Richard Voyce 11/03/2014 usually submit my reviews on the day I see the show. I offer this observation not as some badge of...
Medea Patrick Skipworth 10/03/2014ne of the canonical plays of Ancient Greek tragedy, Medea tells the story of the eponymous barbarian witch-princess who finds...
Colour Caroline Perret and Lucien Asbury-Perret (15) 08/03/2014ith colourful books hanging from the ceiling and stacked on the floor, you will be welcome in the warmth and...
Rodelinda Mel Cooper 08/03/2014his new production of one of the central Handel operas has had unstinted praise from every quarter, as far as...
Lost Boy Richard Voyce 08/03/2014here are games you play when your mind wanders in a theatre. One of my favourites is to wonder what...
Good People Rivka Jacobson 07/03/2014his visceral, raw, compelling and mischievously funny and witty play, Good People, by the American playwright David Lindsay-Abaire, receives its...
The Good Enough Mums Club Sandra Lawson 07/03/2014s a mother it was suggested I should see and review The Good Enough Mums Club, a production which also...
The Mistress Cycle Richard Voyce 07/03/2014t’s a curious place, The Landor. On the one hand this little powerhouse of a theatre above a pub a...
Each of us Becca Kaplan 05/03/2014n the definition of a hole in the wall theater (I think I spent more time trying to find the...
Ballad of the Burning Star Luke Davies 03/03/2014heatre Ad Infinitum’s new show deals with the theme of Israel’s relationship to Jewish history and the current situation in...