Reviewer's rating Briefs: Bite Club Richard McKee 23/07/2022This is not a show to take your maiden aunt to or a card-carrying member of the Democratic Unionist Party. ...
Reviewer's rating Fashion Freak Show Nicole Kent 22/07/2022Fashion Freak Show is a blast, an explosion of loud colours and unrestrained sexual energy. It spans fashion legend, Jean...
Reviewer's rating Mosquito Emma Burnell 22/07/2022I was really expectant for this play. The premise offers so much interest in terms of an examination of human...
Gaetano Grasso In conversation with Enza De Francisci Enza De Francisci 22/07/2022What does the Puparo [the puppet master] represent for you? The puparo is the one who creates and builds typical...
Reviewer's Rating Anything Goes Tim Hochstrasser 18/07/2022After huge success in its first iteration this production of Cole Porter’s Depression-era pick-me-up musical returns to the Barbican with...
Reviewer's rating Jack Absolute Flies Again Emma Burnell 17/07/2022Jack Absolute Flies Again is a play the word ‘rollicking’ that could have been invented for. It is a knockabout...
Reviewer's Rating Dennis of Penge Tim Hochstrasser 14/07/2022In this new play Annie Siddons draws on her own life-experiences in Southeast London to rework ‘The Bacchae’ by Euripides...
Reviewer's rating Patriots Tim Hochstrasser 14/07/2022This new play from Peter Morgan could not be more topical, though to everyone’s credit the lessons and pointers are...
Sorry We Didn’t Die at Sea Julie Peakman 14/07/2022An entirely black and bare stage replicates the interior of a container where three migrants are crossing an ocean. The...
FOLK Julie Peakman 13/07/2022Having been grounded in folk singing at Wigan folk clubs, I wondered why men were always singing the songs (except...