REviewer's rating En Attendant les Barbares (Waiting for the Barbarians) Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 29/06/2021For my first time going back to the theatre in months, I was in a good mood and hoping to...
Reviewer's rating Teibele and the Demon Yael Shuv 10/04/2021Teibele and Her Demon first appeared in 1963 in the form of a short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer. It...
Reviewer's Rating Romeo y Julieta Austin Fimmano 24/03/2021Follow me, if you will, to Verona, for the perfect pandemic vacation. A whirlwind of lavish parties, dramatic duels, first...
Reviewer's rating MYKWA (Mikveh or מקווה) Karol Mroziński 01/12/2020Mikveh, a purpose-built ritual bath for the purpose of ritual immersion in water to achieve ritual purity. Orthodox Jewish women...
Reviewer's rating New York Butoh Institute Festival 2020 (VIA ZOOM) Dylan Hoffman 16/11/2020Most Americans that think of Butoh imagine it as a Japanese avant-garde dance performed by bald, chiseled men, naked except...
Reviewer's rating La Folle et Inconvenante Histoire des Femmes Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 27/10/2020The Crazy and Outrageous History of Women is a play whose title is impressive and full of promises. It starts...
Reviewer's Rating The School For Wives Gillian Russo 26/10/2020Since New York still hasn’t quite figured out outdoor theatre in its parks yet, Molière in the Park on Zoom...
Reviewer's rating Sorcières Chloe Darnaud 17/10/2020When Macha Méril first appears on the little stage of the Théâtre de Poche-Montparnasse (literally “pocket theatre”) barefoot in her...
Le nom sur le bout de la langue (The name on the tip of the tongue) Chloe Darnaud 09/10/2020From the moment Marion Lahmer enters the room from the back door and slowly walks through the stage, beautifully dressed...
Reviewer's rating Der Szturem. Cwiszyn / Burza. Pomiędzy(The Tempest. In Between) Marta Bryś 08/10/2020The Ester Rachel and Ida Kamińska Jewish Theatre in Warsaw remains, together with Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat (the State Jewish...