Reviewer's rating Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria (Ulysses Returns Home) Mel Cooper 16/07/2021This truly important production of the Monteverdi early (1641) opera Il Ritorno d’Ullise in Patria (Ulysses Returns Home) is a...
Reviewer's Rating Heathers Grace Creaton-Barber 08/07/2021“Freak!” Heathers unapologetically takes the High School Musical out of high school musicals. This is a relentlessly real, uncomfortably confrontational...
Reviewer's Rating Que ta volonté soit Kin (Thy Will Be Kin) Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 07/07/2021The first striking thing about coming to see a Congolese play directed by a Burkinabe artist and starring actors from...
REviewer's rating Wonderful Town Tim Hochstrasser 03/07/2021‘Quick Fantastic’ lifted spirits last summer with their production of ‘A Little Night Music’, and they did so again with their...
Reviewer's Rating Starting Here, Starting Now Grace Creaton-Barber 03/07/2021Starting Here, Starting Now is a no holds barred exploration of love. Love in all of its glory (and un-glory),...
REviewer's rating Constellations Tim Hochstrasser 02/07/2021While the Donmar Theatre is closed for refurbishment, artist director Michael Longhurst continues productions elsewhere, and in this case a revival...
REviewer's rating Cosi fan Tutte: Woman are Human Mel Cooper 01/07/2021Women are Human at Longborough Because of the pandemic, the Longborough Opera Festival has come up with an ingenious solution...
REviewer's rating Under Milk Wood Tim Hochstrasser 01/07/2021This famous verse drama by Dylan Thomas was first produced as a radio play in 1954, receiving many adaptations since...
REviewer's rating En Attendant les Barbares (Waiting for the Barbarians) Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 29/06/2021For my first time going back to the theatre in months, I was in a good mood and hoping to...
Reviewer's rating La Bohème Shadi Seifouri 28/06/2021Richard Jones’s production of La bohème has become the poster child of London’s Covent Garden. Studded with festive tropes of...