Reviewer's Rating Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Ben Reiss 04/12/2016lice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a tale that has been told many times. It tells the story of a bored...
Reviewer's Rating Peter Pan Rebecca Coates 03/12/2016o fly, you must be young, and innocent, and heartless – or so Wendy (Madeleine Worrall) tells us, and it...
Reviewer's Rating Auf und Davon Becca Kaplan 03/12/2016uf und Davon, a little German phrase that captures so much. It variously means to elope or a bird that...
Reviewer's Rating Her Aching Heart Vera Mikusch 02/12/2016repare for a hysterically funny evening at the Hope Theatre. The cosy but naughty atmosphere throws you right into the...
Reviewer's Rating King Lear Nicola Watkinson 02/12/2016ing Lear is one of Shakespeare’s bleakest plays: revolving around broken family ties, jealousy, betrayal, corruption, and madness, it addresses...
Reviewer's Rating Rules for Living Harry Tennison 29/11/2016hristmas comes early to the 3 Bugs Fringe Theatre’s production of Rules for Living, directed by William Jackson. Sam Holcroft’s...
Reviewer's Rating Whose Sari Now Natalia Kolosova 29/11/2016hose Sari Now? by the Manchester theatre company Rasa Productions Ltd is a moving, at times very funny, but on...
Reviewer's Rating Santa Claus – A New Musical Leslie Gordon 29/11/2016s the title implies, this is an original piece, so my daughter and I were most excited to see what...
Reviewer's Rating Boys Munotida Chinyanga 29/11/2016oys at the LOST Theatre is set in Edinburgh during the sanitation strikes which meant mounting garbage and tensions within...
Reviewer's Rating Swan Lake/Loch na hEala Primrose MacFay 29/11/2016his is total theatre and it doesn’t get better than this. If I could give it ten stars I would....