Inigo Nicola Watkinson 08/02/2015Inigo is a new play by Jonathan Moore about faith, family, friendship and rebellion: it follows Inigo de Loyola as...
True Brits Rowena Hawkins 08/02/2015THE VAULT FESTIVAL 2015 t the beginning of True Brits Rahul (David Mumeni) looked me right in the eye and...
Jonathan Kent at the Critics’ Circle Awards Rivka Jacobson 04/02/2015onathan Kent is the director of Gypsy at the Festival Theatre, Chichester, which will transfer to the Savoy Theatre, London in April...
Taken at Midnight Rowena Hawkins 03/02/2015ans Litten was the young Jewish lawyer who subpoenaed Adolf Hitler. For years his incredible story was lost among the...
Assassins Samantha Cheh 02/02/2015ssassins spans the century between the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and that of John F. Kennedy, and sets it against the...
Romeo and Juliet Nicola Watkinson 01/02/2015ontemporary and fast-paced, yet with all the heart of Shakespeare’s original, this is a production which drags Romeo and Juliet...
Basil Twist: Dogugaeshi Luke Davies 30/01/2015LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL 2015 asil Twist is a New York based artist who specialises in creating elaborate, visual spectacles...
Peeping Tom: 32 rue Vandenbranden Katerina Yannouli 30/01/2015LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL 2015 n Peeping Tom’s 32 rue Vandenbranden all the action takes place in and around rickety...
My Night with Reg Rowena Hawkins 29/01/2015eally, Kevin Elyot’s dark comedy ought to be called ‘Several Nights with Six Men Who Aren’t Reg’, for although the...
Noodles Luke Davies 29/01/2015LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL 2015 oFit State are a company whose work feels closely tied to that of other experimental...