Reviewer's Rating Tosca Tim Hochstrasser 18/01/2018What is there new to say about Floria Tosca’s journey from piety and artistry through to a final symbolic confrontation...
Reviewer's Rating The Return of Ulysses Owen Davies 15/01/2018This sublime opera was written by an aging Monteverdi for performance at the Venice Carnival in 1640. In this year,...
Reviewer's Rating Barber of Seville Owen Davies 11/01/2018The Barber of Seville is a remarkable opera. Now more than 200 years old – it was premiered in 1816...
Reviewer's Rating Midsummer Night’s Dream Shmuel Ben-Tovim 10/01/2018This review must begin with applause to people whose names do not appear in the list of credits below: the...
Reviewer's Rating Salome Tim Hochstrasser 09/01/2018Salome was Strauss’ breakthrough opera and it has all the hallmarks of his early style – lush voluptuous writing for...
Reviewer's Rating Un Ballo In Maschera Alina Bottez 23/12/2017Verdi’s opera had a tumultuous fate: Somma’s libretto after Scribe’s Gustave III was censored by the Naples authorities...
Reviewer's Rating Semiramide Tim Hochstrasser 21/12/2017Rossini loved food. A gourmand and gourmet after whom many dishes were named, one of the few times he is...
Reviewer's Rating Rigoletto Rivka Jacobson 21/12/2017The Royal Opera’s revival of David McVicar’s 2001 production of Rigoletto fittingly dedicated to the most sought-after Russian baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky...
Reviewer's Rating Don Giovanni Irina Antesberger [Age: 16] 18/12/2017It is always exciting to learn what directors may see in what some call “the opera of operas”. Staging Mozart`s “Don Giovanni” is a huge challenge...
Reviewer's Rating Rusticana / Pagliacci Owen Davies 11/12/2017This revival of Michieletto’s splendid production of “Cav and Pag” provides a wonderful evening of ‘verismo’ opera. We get singing...