Reviewer's rating Express G & S Richard Voyce 24/06/2021John Savournin, founder of Charles Court Opera, and the man who, along with David Eaton put together Express G &...
Reviewer's rating L’Egisto Owen Davies 13/06/2021Hampstead Garden Opera has returned to the stage with a production of a rarely-performed baroque opera from 1643 by Francesco...
Reviewer's rating Die Walküre Now streamed online for free. see below Mel Cooper 12/06/2021BRECHTIAN WAGNER It was a double privilege to be invited to see Wagner’s DIE WALKÜRE in a semi-staged production at...
Reviewer's Rating Here Come the Boys Grace Creaton-Barber 29/05/2021An electric evening of high-energy, high-impact, high-calibre dance. To summarise: fab-u-lous! A view that I’m sure may be shared by...
Rabia Ben Barka ربيعة بن بركة Rivka Jacobson 01/05/2021Rabia Ben Barka in conversation with Rivka Jacobson (Below full translation from English to Arabic by Sabri Malik) ربيعة بن...
Reviewer's rating Talking Gods – Aphrodite and Icarus Tim Hochstrasser 22/04/2021Translations, adaptations and reworkings of the mythology of the Greco-Roman World are a staple part of the history of Western...
Reviewer's rating Teibele and the Demon Yael Shuv 10/04/2021Teibele and Her Demon first appeared in 1963 in the form of a short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer. It...
Reviewer's rating Talking Gods II – Orpheus Emilie Proudhon-Dumesny 07/04/2021‘I am trapped in a myth that is not mine’, says a jaded Eurydice. This is perhaps the line that...
Reviewer's Rating Romeo y Julieta Austin Fimmano 24/03/2021Follow me, if you will, to Verona, for the perfect pandemic vacation. A whirlwind of lavish parties, dramatic duels, first...
Reviewer's rating Treason – The Musical Tim Hochstrasser 13/03/2021We all know – or think we do – what happened on 5th November 1605 – ‘Gunpowder, treason and plot!’...