Reviewer’s Rating Lulu Popplewell: The Humble Bumhole Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 Sam Dodgshon 19/08/2019On the night I arrive at Lulu Popplewell: The Humble Bumhole she greets the audience at the door with her...
After Me Comes the Flood (But in French) drip splosh splash drip BLUBBP BLUBBP!! Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 Sam Dodgshon 18/08/2019John-Luke Roberts is a master, and in After Me Comes the Flood (But in French) drip splosh splash drip BLUBBP...
Edinburgh’s Only Bilge Pump Sales Seminar Edinburgh Fringe Festival Agnes Carrington-Windo 16/08/2019Watching Joshua Ladgrove feels like mining the gold seam of character comedy. Known for portraying Neal Portenza, who recently announced...
Reviewer's rating Count Ory Grimeborn 2019 Owen Davies 15/08/2019Count Ory is a comic opera by Rossini that rarely gets performed today. Written for performance in Paris in 1828,...
Reviewer's rating Silk Moth Grimeborn 2019 Owen Davies 15/08/2019This strange trilogy is made up of two short pieces – The Heart’s Ear and Bel Canto – and a...
Reviewer's rating Die Fledermaus Grimeborn 2019 Owen Davies 11/08/2019This version of the old Viennese operetta is subtitled The Revenge of the Bat-man. It is charmingly updated to the...
Reviewer's Rating Lucy Porter: Be Prepared Sam Dodgshon 10/08/2019At a time where cynicism is king, I am pleased to report that Lucy Porter is actually genuinely nice. In...
Reviewer's rating La Reprise: Histoire(s) du théâtre (I) Edinburgh International Festival Ben Reiss 08/08/2019In 2012 in Liège, Ihsane Jarfi was brutally and senselessly murdered. La Reprise: Histoire(s) du théâtre (I) positions itself as...
Reviewer's Rating Forgetting Heledd Owen Davies 07/08/2019Forgetting Heledd is a very powerful piece of theatre, telling the story of a family coping with early onset dementia...
Reviewer's rating Kiss Me, Kate Mel Cooper 03/08/2019The new production of Kiss Me, Kate at the Watermill Theatre in Newbury is quite simply a triumph. I cannot...