Reviewer's Rating It’s True, It’s True, It’s True Streaming 2020 Tim Hochstrasser 18/05/2020In 1612 the young artist Artemisia Gentileschi took the highly unusual step of making an accusation of rape against Agostino...
Reviewer's rating Midnight Your Time Donmar online Gillian Russo 14/05/2020Whatever your love-hate relationship with Zoom looks like at this point of the pandemic, perhaps some part of you is...
Art Marie Communal 09/04/2020« Mon ami Serge a acheté un tableau. C’est une toile d’environ un mètre soixante sur un mètre vingt, peinte...
Reviewer's rating The Tempest Richard McKee 16/03/2020The Tempest is one of Shakespeare’s best-loved plays, and once again the tiny Jermyn Street Theatre has proved that small...
Reviewer's rating Bin Juice Caroline Perret 14/03/2020“Some jobs require getting your hands a little dirty… ” Located underneath Waterloo Station and preceded by a tunnel full...
Reviewer's Rating Faustus: That Damned Woman Marine Furet 13/03/2020Faustus: That Damned Woman is brought to the stage with energetic spirit by Headlong, in a production directed by Caroline...
Reviewer's rating The Red Shoes Richard McKee 11/03/2020It takes more than a spot of Coronavirus to keep the crowds away from the New Wimbledon Theatre. There were...
Reviewer's Rating P*ssyc*ck Know Nothing Becca Kaplan 11/03/2020P*ssyc*ck Know Nothing. I felt like I knew nothing going into Target Margin Theater’s retelling of 1001 Nights, years in...
Reviewer's rating Not Quite Jerusalem Sacha Magee 10/03/202040 years since the original production, Finborough Theatre revives Paul Kember’s 1980 play Not Quite Jerusalem. It’s set in 1979...
Reviewer's rating The Revenger’s Tragedy Tim Hochstrasser 09/03/2020Cheek by Jowl’s latest venture into the world of Shakespeare and his contemporaries take the form of a modern-dress, Italian-language...