Lear Sandra Lawson 07/06/2014hil Willmott’s idea of casting a female Lear is a bold one, which works well on some levels. It confronts...
Patience, or Bunthorne’s Bride Richard Voyce 06/06/2014ilbert and Sullivan’s Patience first saw the light of day at London’s Opera Comique on 23rd April, 1881 (moving to Richard D’Oyle Carte’s...
Manual Oracle Aleksandra Sakowska 06/06/2014anual Oracle conceived, written and directed by Phoebe von Held is a result of her ‘artist in residence’ research period at...
A Simple Space Katerina Yannouli 06/06/2014oming from Adelaide, Gravity and Other Myths is a multi-award winning ensemble of acrobats, neither big top clowns nor death...
Opus No 7 Ben Millson 05/06/2014he Dmitry Krymov Lab has built a reputation around innovative theatre with a design-led focus, and Opus No 7 fits firmly within...
Zanna, Don’t – A Musical Fairy Tale Richard Voyce 05/06/2014anna, Don’t, the incredibly likeable and energetic musical which has just opened at Clapham’s Landor, first saw the light of...
The Confessions of Gordon Brown Richard McKee 04/06/2014irst performed at the Edinburgh Festival in 2013 and subsequently transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in Whitehall, this mordant political...
La Fanciulla del West James Holloway 03/06/2014onderful music makes for a wonderful evening! Opera Holland Park is London’s country opera house – a charming pastoral setting...
In the Vale of Health Emma Hardy 31/05/2014our separate plays. Four interlocking plays. The same play performed four ways. To assign In the Vale of Health a...
Between Us Rowena Hawkins 31/05/2014arah Daniels’ new play Between Us sneaks the audience in to the treatment room hear the confidential discussions between a...